Cherry Recipe – “How To Make” Recipe From The Jam Jar Shop
Posted by Neil Smith on

Pickled Cherries Recipe Ingredients 1kg black or red cherries 300ml red wine vinegar 350g soft brown sugar 3 sticks cinnamon 1 x 5ml teaspoon whole cloves Maraschino Cherries Recipe Ingredients 500g Cherries 113g/4 oz caster sugar 100ml/4 fl oz water 2 teaspoons lemon juice pinch freshly grated nutmeg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cinnamon stick 250ml Maraschino liqueur - we used Luxardo, the best, found on-line Cherry Recipe Equipment Large preserving pan Wooden spoon Jam Jars - We recommend a pack of 8oz Jars or a pack of 8oz Hexagonal Jars Muslin cloth Cellophane covers & waxed discs HOW TO MAKE PICKLED CHERRIES Prepare the cherries...
Herb Jellies – “How To Make” Recipe From The Jam Jar Shop
Posted by Neil Smith on

Recipe Ingredients 2lbs/1kg cooking apples, roughly chopped, skins, cores and all water 2lbs/1kg sugar 6fl oz/150ml cider vinegar 1 teacupful finely chopped fresh herbs, single variety or a mixture Recipe Equipment Large preserving pan Wooden spoon Jam Jars - We recommend a pack of 8oz Jars or a pack of 8oz Hexagonal Jars Muslin cloth Cellophane covers & waxed discs HOW TO MAKE HERB JELLIES Wash and rinse jars and put to warm in a low oven. Small, pretty jars are best for this preserve. Place the apples in a large pan, cover with cold water and cook until soft, approx. one hour. Cool a little, then...
Marmalade Pouring Sauce – “How To Make” Recipe From The Jam Jar Shop
Posted by Neil Smith on

Recipe Ingredients 6 fl oz marmalade 6 fl oz water 2 tablespoons butter Loads and loads of Pancakes Recipe Equipment Large preserving pan Wooden spoon Jam Jars - We recommend a pack of 8oz Jars or a pack of 8oz Hexagonal Jars Muslin cloth Cellophane covers & waxed discs River Cottage hand book by Pam Corbin HOW TO MAKE MARMALADE POURING SAUCE It's that Pancake time of year and this sauce is so easy to make.It only takes a few minutes to make a delicious pouring sauce for pancakes. Here goes . . . Melt 6 fl oz marmalade in 6 fl oz water over...
Lemon Curd – “How To Make” Recipe From The Jam Jar Shop
Posted by Neil Smith on

Recipe Ingredients 3oz Caster Sugar 1 Large juicy lemon (grated rind and juice) 2 Large Eggs 2oz Butter Recipe Equipment Large preserving pan Wooden spoon Jam jars (10-15 depending on size) - We recommend a pack of 16oz Jars Muslin cloth Cellophane covers & waxed discs HOW TO MAKE LEMON CURD Wash the jars in warm soapy water Rinse and put in the oven to dry and sterilise - about 15-20 mins Grate the lemon zest onto the sugar Squeeze the juice and add to the beaten eggs Stir into the eggs Strain through a sieve lined with a piece of muslin...
Plum Chutney with Indian Style Spices – “How To Make” Recipe From The Jam Jar Shop
Posted by Neil Smith on

Recipe Ingredients 2kg plums (weigh them with stones removed) 650g onions (weigh them without skins) 250g raisins 500g sugar 500ml vinegar (almost any kind will do but malt vinegar is traditional) 5 cardamom pods 1 teaspoon peppercorns 1 tablespoon cumin seeds 1 tablespoon coriander seeds 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon Recipe Equipment Large preserving pan Ladle Wooden spoon Faceted glass Jam jars (14oz) Muslin cloth Cellophane covers & waxed discs Wooden board Bathroom scales 4 small plates A length of string approx. 1 metre Large bowl Sharp knife HOW TO MAKE PLUM CHUTNEY WITH INDIAN-STYLE SPICES Chop up...